The Helson's

The Helson's

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Don't compare...

Lately I've been thinking about what a strange community motherhood is. We get so excited when someone gets pregnant we can't wait to meet the baby and shower it with love. Then after the newness wears off most people don't bother to come around anymore. So us new moms do what we do best. We compare ourselves to everyone else and assume that's exactly what should be happening in our lives. It took me too long to figure out that's crap! It's a horrible way to think and try to live your life. 

We as a community of moms should be uplifting one another not secretly judging and shaming. There were many times I let someone else make me feel inadequate as a mom cause my kid didn't do XYZ the way theirs did. Who's fault is that? It's mine but now I'm smart enough to know better. Motherhood is the hardest thing I have ever done. It will make you cry tears of joy, pain and make you want to pull your hair out all in one day. Don't get me wrong I am beyond thankful that God has given me the blessing of being a momma. 

So to the new momma who may be struggling, hang in there. It gets better. Surround yourself with true friends who will lift you up, pray for you and let you cry when the days been too hard. Remember why you had this child in the first place, to glorify God! We pray each night with Isaiah that God would use him in a way that his kingdom be glorified. Hold fast to that prayer and stand amazed when it comes to fruition. God does amazing things through our toughest trials. 
Keep your head up momma! Don't sweat the small stuff, enjoy your little one before the time is gone. Learn the lesson early, it took me far to long to realize just how great motherhood can be. 

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