The Helson's

The Helson's

Friday, March 14, 2014

Love/Hate Runlationship

Well it's one week till I'm in Dallas getting ready for my sixth half marathon. I really thought my last one was my LAST ONE. Somehow I keep coming back to this thing called running. 

When I first started running over five years ago I couldn't even run 30 seconds withouth thinking I was going to die! I used The Nonrunners Marathon book to train. My brilliant best friend had the idea we would do a full marathon for our first race. HA I laugh so hard looking back on that. What was I thinking I would just go from no running ever in life to running 26 miles. Needless to say we ended up doing the half. I had no time goal I just wanted to be able to drag my body across the finish line alive!! I finished in 2:47, not horrible not mind blowing. 

Well I got the running bug and have been loving/hating it since. My best time is 2:37 and I am currently trying to crush that!! I really want to finish the Rock N Roll Dallas half in under 2:30. I know I can do it but I have lost my training steam as we reach race day. My best run to date was my 10 miler two weeks ago. I had to run it alone (hate running alone) and I loved it. It was hard but rewarding. I never felt so proud of myself. It was just me and the pavement and I pushed myself hard. No negative self talk, no stopping early, no giving up. 

As we finish out the final week of training I have to find that strength again. Tomorrow is a 12 miler (yikes!!) and I'm nervous to say the least. My diet has been lacking and I need to snap out of it and get my act together. Diet is a huge factor in training and my biggest challenge. 

So wish me luck and let's hope I am flying high this time tomorrow. Happy Friday! 

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