The Helson's

The Helson's

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Weekend Recap:

Happy Monday People!!
Hope your weekend was fantastic. Ours was pretty typical. Friday night I usually turn in pretty early. I'm training for a half marathon and do my long runs early Saturday morning. Isaiah got his 15 month shots this week and has been moody and not sleeping the best since them. Luckily he woke up at 5:45 Saturday morning as I was walking out the door. Sorry hubs but gotta run, literally! 

Met my running buddy Krystal at 6:15 and we set out for 7 miles. She is recovering from an injury and I slacked all week so needed a shorter distance. She rocked her 7 miles I stopped at 6 due to leg pain. Have to listen to your body when you are training so much. After said run I took Isaiah to swim class he loves it! He's been in it since 6 months old and I highly recommend for all babies!!! Like I said before Isaiah has been especially moody this week so by the time Brian got home from his errands I was done!! Oh but a mommas work is never done, so off to the grocery store at 8 on a Saturday night. I have an exciting life I know! Y'all should be so jealous! I do enjoy the peace and quiet of a late night grocery run. 

Sundays are our relax day. We attend church come home and eat, nap then have our small group. Lucky for me we didn't have group this week and the hubs insisted I treat myself to a mani/pedi and some "me" time. Thanks honey don't mind if I do!! I'm notorious for complaining about no ME time then coming home after 2 hours cause I was bored or missed them. It's amazing how refreshed you can feel after just a couple hours to yourself!

Working extra this week!! I love the people I work with, they make my often stressful nursing job bearable! Hope y'all have a fab Monday!! 

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